Santa Monica Muni

KSMO Airport Information


KSMO 161951Z 23006KT 10SM CLR 19/03 A3007 RMK AO2 SLP181 T01940028

Observation Time: 19:51:00 Z

Temperature: 19.4°C

Dew Point: 2.8°C

Wind Direction: 230°

Wind Speed: 6 KTS

Visibility: 10+ sm

Altimeter: 30.07 inHg

Sea Level Pressure: 1018.1 hPa

Clouds: Sky clear




Tower hours: 0700-2100 LCL
ATIS: 119.15 310–450–4620

CTAF: 120.1
LCL/P: 120.1
GND/P: 121.9
UNICOM: 122.95
LCL/P: 257.8
SMO VOR/DME: 110.8/45X
ASOS: (310) 392–6453

Text for ATIS

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