Macdill Afb

KMCF Airport Information


KMCF 180455Z 10006KT 10SM CLR 15/13 A3002 RMK AO2A SLPNO ALSTG ESTMD T01500129 FZRANO $

Observation Time: 04:55:00 Z

Temperature: 15°C

Dew Point: 12.9°C

Wind Direction: 100°

Wind Speed: 6 KTS

Visibility: 10+ sm

Altimeter: 30.02 inHg

Clouds: Sky clear




Tower hours: 24 LCL
GND/P: 118.575
LCL/P: 120.175
COMD POST: 132.775
COMD POST: 134.1
PMSV METRO: 225.05
ATIS: 270.1
GND/P: 275.8
DEP/P: 290.3
LCL/P: 294.7
COMD POST: 311.0
COMD POST: 323.8
DEP/P: 353.575
APCH/P: 354.0
PTD: 372.2
MCF TACAN: 111.0/47X
ATIS: 133.825 813–828–0002

Text for ATIS

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